“The Wheel of The Year”


Speaker, Kate Stockman

The Wheel of the Year is a series of 8 holydays or sabbats which are based on the position of the Earth to the Sun. Following an agrarian cycle, the Wheel celebrates the generosity of Mother Earth from spring to winter, with the promise of birth, death, and rebirth. Based on an earth-based Celtic calendar, the Wheel offers us guidance year round, not only for growing crops but also growing ourselves.

Kate Stockman is a local multi-media artist, writer, and teacher. She is retired from her career which focused on non-profit and higher ed fields, and now creates art to honor Nature and the Self (TouchStones Ancedotal Art — each piece tells a story, perhaps it touches your story). Her newest venture is “Circles and Ripples”, which holds circles to support and encourage women’s self-empowerment. Kate is a pagan practitioner of earth-based spirituality, a priestess of the Feminine Divine, and a feminist. Kate and her husband Andrew are thankful to live in a little cabin in the woods overlooking a little lake near Saluda.

Story for All Ages

Jamie O’Rourke and the Big Potato: An Irish Folktale  by Tomie dePaola

MUSICIAN, Michael Jefry Stevens

Mr. Stevens is a accomplished pianist, composer and “Steinway Artist,”. He has released over 80 CDs and composed over 340 works for both large and small ensembles. An active band-leader for over 40 years, his music spans jazz and modern musical styles. Michael lives in Black Mountain and is a frequent performer and popular jazz piano teacher in the WNC area. We, once again, welcome Michael to UUFH as our guest pianist

We gather for worship and fellowship each Sunday with a service at 10:30 followed by coffee hour. Dress is casual. Parking is plentiful. And our building is accessible.

Family Ministry / Sunday School: All Ages meet in Sanctuary at 10:30 AM Children go to classrooms at 10:45 after the “Story for All Ages.” On the lower level, we have a nursery for infants and toddlers, and we have classes where children and youth learn about and explore faith, religion, justice, and community.

We welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith!

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