UUs in Action: The Free Clinics

This week in UUers In Action, we highlight Becky Elston’s contribution to The Free Clinics.

Judy Long, Director of TFC, said the following:

“Becky has served as a member of the board of directors of The Free Clinics for almost six years. As a member of that leadership body, she has helped steer TFC’s program expansion, including engagement with Polk County, significant programs addressing substance use disorder, and deepening work with survivors of interpersonal violence. Becky also serves as chair of TFC’s clinical services committee, which guided all of our program-pivots to accommodate the changing protocols throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Prior to joining TFC’s board, Becky was a nurse volunteer for 10+ years, assisting in our walk-in medical clinic (free urgent care). Her experience as a former clinical volunteer and retired RN provides a critical leadership voice. And now as TFCs board explores how the organization will evolve given the states adoption of Medicaid expansion, Becky’s wisdom and insight are critical. TFC is deeply blessed by her leadership, commitment, and wisdom.”

There are many different volunteer opportunities at The Free Clinic. Please contact Becky at beckyelston1@nullgmail.com for more information. She can steer you to the right person at TFC.

UUers in Action

As a community of compassionate, caring people, we are everywhere in Henderson County volunteering our time and talents to many worthy non-profit organizations.  We want to highlight our members and friends who regularly give back locally.  Please contact Peggy Law at pegster1128@nullgmail.com so that we can share your good works with everyone and help solicit additional volunteers.