Worship Café

For Story Wisdom on January 29, 2023, Sunday Parker read the book by Amanda Gorman titled Change Sings.  

Change did sing during the service when more than 85 members, friends, and visitors participated in a Worship Café led by Rev. Terry Davis. The sanctuary had been refashioned into a café, complete with coffee and jazz piano accompaniment.  Everyone present or online participated by answering the four questions Rev. Terry posed.  

What are the gifts we give one another?  What are the gifts we give to our community outside our doors?  What are some of our greatest resources?  We may not be able to save the world, but we can serve the world.  In what ways do we want to serve the world sharing the resources we have?  

The café filled with energy and the answers to those questions were written out on brown paper “tablecloths.”  The thoughts and ideas will be harvested and shared with the entire congregation.  Watch for the follow-up.

The highlight of our morning together came when our President, Becky Reid, and Vice-President, Peggy Law, announced the news: Rev. Terry said ‘YES’ to serve as our minister for the next fiscal year.  There was wild applause and cheering as we jumped to our feet. Huge energy and gratitude.  It was a good day.