Video: Aligning Ourselves

High school senior Konrad Sanders worked on his end of year project with Rev. Jim McKinley as his mentor. The video title is Aligning Ourselves: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville.

One Response to “Video: Aligning Ourselves

  1. Konrad and UUFH:
    Today was my first experience trying a Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UUF). I am honored and blessed to have seen Konrad’s video as my initial introduction. My purpose in life is to have our media, news and public conversations be uplifting and empowering so all humans experience fulfillment in life. How perfect, Konrad, that I would be able to see your video today. Thank you so much for your senior project! It is so courageous of you to share your beliefs like this with your peers and community at large. I will be back to UUFH-NC. Hope to meet you one day. Keep on producing media. You are talented. I am sharing this video with my loved ones. Maybe they will feel at home as I did with UUF.

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